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The help of the implement of the Haystack specification


The API is not stable and can be changed without any notice.

Shift-for-Haystack is a set of API to implement the Haystack project specification. It's compatible with modern Python with typing, Flask server in data center, Edge (Raspberry?) or in AWS Lambda function.

Click to see a demo.

Shift-4-haystack demo

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About Haystack, and who is it for

Haystack project is an open source initiative to standardize semantic data models for Internet Of Things. It enables interoperability between any IoT data producer and consumer, mainly in the Smart Building area.

Haystack core data model is the Grid, it can be serialized in many formats, mainly Zinc, Trio Json and Csv

About this project

This project implements client side haystack code. Useful to parse or dump Haystack files (Zinc, Json, Trio and Csv).

On the server side, it also implements Haystack HTTP API, useful to serve Haystack data you host.


This project is a fork of hszinc (Thanks to the team). The proposed evolutions were too big to be accepted in a pull request.

To see the similarities and differences between the two project, click here

Client side: Haystack client python module

To try the client side python module included in this project, the best way is to download a sample of haystack files. First, create a working directory.

$ mkdir $TMP/haystack
$ cd $TMP/haystack

Download and unzip sample zip file in this directory.

$ unzip sample

The directory sample now contains:

Create a virtual environment

$ virtualenv -p python3.8 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Then, install the module with all options

$ pip install "shaystack[flask,graphql,lambda]"

Inspect the data with code

haystack.ipynb jupyter notebook contains code to read, filter, manipulate and print Grid objects containing haystack data.

Try it online here, test the User interface #( or run it with docker

Python API

The documentation of the API is here.

Data science

It's easy to convert a grid to a dataframe.

import shaystack
import panda

with open("file.zinc") as f:
    grid = shaystack.parse(, shaystack.MODE_ZINC)

df = panda.DataFrame(grid.filter("point and co2e"))  # Convert grid to data frame


Shift-4-Haystack is agile and can be deployed in different scenarios. Choose an option for each feature.

Haystack backend Python version Deployment Multi tenancy API
local file 3.7 Internet Flask server Single tenancy Haystack HTTP API
url 3.8 Edge Flask server Multiple, shared table Standalone GraphQL API
S3 bucket without version 3.9 Docker Flask server Multiple, dedicated table GraphQL API integrated inside another via AppSync
S3 bucket with version 3.10 Internet AWS Lambda API
Sqlite database (Not available in this release)
Postgres database
MySQL database
Mongo database
haystack backend + AWS Timestream
Serverless Technologies
No VM, Docker, Postgres, MySQL, Mongo, etc.
Yes AWS Lambda, Aurora

and you can extend these proposed scenario. You can see below, how to install these different scenarios.

Server Side: Haystack API Server

This implementation can offer two API endpoints:

This API can negotiate:

These operations are implemented in both endpoints:

These operations are implemented only in a classical endpoint, with real-time datas:

API Server deployment

This layer implement the standard HaystackAPI with different providers (URL, S3, Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.)


Using pip install shaystack. You can add the support of some options for server side:

You can mix two or more options, if you need them all, use pip install "shaystack[flask,graphql,lambda]"

Choosing and configuring your provider

Depending on where and how your haystack data is stored, you need to choose an existing Provider or implement your own by extending shaystack.providers.HaystackInterface

Where is data stored Shell command Miscellaneous
No data, just testing \
Data on http server HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=http://... \
Data on ftp server HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=ftp://... \
Data on local filesystem HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=file://... \
Data on AWS S3 Bucket HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=s3://... \
Remember to install aws support and boto3 python module. More...
Data in a SuperSQLite database HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=sqlite3://... \
Remember to install Supersqlite python module. More...
Data in a Postgresql database HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=postgres://... \
Remember to install psycopg2 python module. More...
Data in a MySQL database HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
HAYSTACK_DB=mysql://... \
Remember to install pymysql python module. More...
Data in a MongoDB HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db\
Remember to install pymongo python module. More...
Data in a database and Time series in AWS Time Stream HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.timestream\
HAYSTACK_TS=timestream:://...\<br /> shaystack
Data in a database and Time series in AWS Athena HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.athena\
HAYSTACK_TS=athena:://...\<br /> shaystack
Custom HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.<your module name>\
Write your own subclass of `shaystack.providers.HaystackInterface

Note: Existing providers are not connected to IOT for simplicity. If you want to connect the haystack API with IOT, you must implement a custom provider or extend one of them.

Starting the server

Set some environment variables, and use the command shaystack (check shaystack --help for parameters)

We propose different providers, with the objective in mind:

To demonstrate this scenario, we want to publish the sample from sample/ files from S3 bucket or from an SQL database. We must import this ontology and time-series inside the bucket or database before to use. To manage the different versions of files, you must use a dedicated tool, to import only the difference between versions.

Using Haystack API with UI

Now, it's time to manipulate the ontology.

For the demonstration,

$ # Demo
$ # - Install components
$ pip install 'shaystack[graphql]'
$ # - Expose haystack file on s3 bucket, with Haystack and GraphQL API
$ HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \

In another shell

$ curl "http://localhost:3000/haystack/read?filter=point%20or%20site&limit=5"


$ # - Open the GraphQL console
$ xdg-open http://localhost:3000/haystack

A javascript console is proposed to ask the datas. It's possible to add several APIs to merge the result from different sources of data.

Haystack UI

For example, one datasource comes from an ETL to expose the ontology of the inventory and energy bills from the accounting department in a S3 bucket. The second datasource is the BMS (Building Management System) compatible with Haystack, with the real-time data. If the entities use the same id, all the information were merged. The same filter was apply for each API.

Using GraphQL API

All the providers can be invoked with a GraphQL API in place of the standard Haystack HTTP API. After installing the component with the good option (pip install 'shaystack[graphql]'), start the provider and use the url http://localhost:3000/graphql. You can see an interface to use the ontology.

For the demonstration,

$ # Demo
$ # - Install components
$ pip install 'shaystack[graphql]'
$ # - Expose haystack with GraphQL API
$ HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \

In another shell

$ # - Open the GraphQL console
$ xdg-open http://localhost:3000/graphql

and use this request

# Demo
    haystack {
        byfilter:entities(select: "id,dis" filter: "id", limit: 2)

Because Graphql use a schema and Haystack doesn't use one, it's not easy to manipulate the history result. To resolve that, we propose different cast for the values.

val  # Haystack json scalar
float # cast to float
bool # cast to bool

You can select the format you want in the request.

Specification extension

To manage the history of ontologies, it's possible to add a parameter almost all request: Version This parameter must have the datetime when you want to ask the ontology. The result is the vue of these data at this time.

To return only some tag, it's possible to add a parameter select in read request."id,dis")"!hisURL")

The syntax to analyse the date range in hisRead is extended to accept a comma without value before or after (date, , ,datetime, etc.) and usage of today and yesterday in left or right.

Haystack filter

A big part of the code is to convert the haystack filter to a database request. We implemented a conversion to different languages:

For the developer point of view, it may be interesting to analyse the translation. We propose a tool for that.

$ shaystack_repl
(Cmd) ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):

Undocumented commands:
bye  mongo  mysql  pg  python  sqlite


Enter the language followed by the haystack filter.

(Cmd) python site or point
def _gen_hsfilter_0(_grid, _entity):
  return ((id(_get_path(_grid, _entity, ['site'])) !=  id(NOT_FOUND)) or (id(_get_path(_grid, _entity, ['point'])) !=  id(NOT_FOUND)))

(Cmd) pg site or point
-- site or point
SELECT t1.entity
FROM haystack as t1
'2020-10-01T00:00:00+00:00' BETWEEN t1.start_datetime AND t1.end_datetime
AND t1.customer_id='customer'
AND t1.entity ?| array['site', 'point']

Add Haystack API to an existing project

The flexibility of shift-4-haystack allows many integration scenarios.

To expose your current datas with a haystack protocol, the steps are:

Then, with this model, choice a path to expose your haystack data.

path for integration

Add features from left to right. At different levels, you can publish an API. The shortest way is to export a haystack file to a s3 bucket and publish it via an API. You can exporte the data in a file, or directly in another table of you database. Later, you link your data model with the haystack model with a double write (write in Y), some trigger in your data model to maintain the consistency between tables or create a view from your data model to be compatible with the haystack json model. Or, you can create your provider to read and convert your datas to haystack format.

Later, you can add a connection with your IOT to expose the current value of points, and add the watch features.

To implement a provider, two strategies are proposed:

Using AWS

To use Lambda or S3 bucket,


The Dockerfile can be used to generate an image with a set of parameter.

Use a pre-builded image.

$ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 \
  -e HAYSTACK_PROVIDER=shaystack.providers.db \
  -e REFRESH=15 \

or build your image

$ # Get docker file
$ wget
$ # Build the image
$ docker build \
		--build-arg PORT='3000' \
		--build-arg HAYSTACK_PROVIDER='shaystack.providers.db' \
		--build-arg HAYSTACK_DB='' \
		--build-arg HAYSTACK_TS='' \
		--build-arg REFRESH='15' \
		--tag 'shaystack' \
$ # Run the image
$ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 shaystack 

Using with Excel or PowerBI

Because the default negotiated format is CSV, you can call the HTTP API with PowerQuery or Excel. Try the sample file 'SHaystack.xlsm' and set a correct haystack API url ( with a local virtual windows). You can load all and filter the data inside Excel table.

Optional part

Haystack component propose different optional parts.

Option Feature
flask Expose API with Flask HTTP server
graphql Expose Graphql API with Flask HTTP server
lambda Add compatibility with AWS Lambda and S3 bucket

Use pip install "shaystack[_<options>_]", like:

Data types

Shift-4-haystack converts the common Python data types:

Null, Boolean, Date, Time, Date/Time and strings.

In the case of Date/Time, the tzinfo parameter is set to the equivalent timezone provided by the pytz library where possible.


Numbers without a unit are represented as float objects. Numbers with a unit are represented by the shaystack.Quantity custom type which has two attributes: value and unit. The unit use the Pint framework to manage and convert unit.

Marker and Remove

These are singletons, represented by shaystack.MARKER and shaystack.REMOVE. They behave and are intended to be used like the None object.

Bin and XBin

These are represented bytes array. Accept hex or b64 to encode and decode the bytes array.


This is a classical Uri for Haystack


Represented by the custom type shaystack.Ref which has name (str) and value attributes. The name must be conforme with the haystack specification.


Represented by the custom type shaystack.Coordinate, which has latitude and longitude types (both float)

Collection List, Dict or Grid

A tag may be a list, a dict or another grid (recursive grid). To be used with care.


See here



See LICENCE file